Grant from 1726 Proves Stream Ownership
December 13, 2022
Our task was to prove to the court that a stream bed was our client’s property based on a grant that originated in 1726 from the King of England. Read the full article.
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Remove FilterDecember 13, 2022
Our task was to prove to the court that a stream bed was our client’s property based on a grant that originated in 1726 from the King of England. Read the full article.
November 28, 2022
Earlier this month, the Waterfront Law Team supported Lynnhaven River NOW in their two-day community tree planting project. Read on to learn more. Read the full article.
November 28, 2022
Learn more about an often overlooked waterfront property benefit in Virginia, the ability of the waterfront property owner to erect a stationary blind on shore and in the public waters for the purpose of hunting ducks or other waterfowl. Read the full article.
November 23, 2022
On Saturday, November 12th, the Waterfront Law Team was thrilled to attend the first annual Volunteer Appreciation Party hosted by the Elizabeth River Project. Read the full article.
October 27, 2022
In examining the Sackett case, the U.S. Supreme Court will tell us whether an area of isolated wetlands is within the WOTUS and, hence, whether the EPA and the Army Corps can apply their wetlands regulatory authority at that particular location. Read the full article.
October 26, 2022
On Saturday, October 22nd, the team from the Waterfront Law Team supported Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore (CBES) in their 29th annual Between the Waters Bike Tour. Read the full article.
October 19, 2022
This article describes how the wetlands laws apply to drainage ditches, or ditches that transport stormwater to control flooding. Read the full article.
September 20, 2022
In our latest webinar, Jim Lang of the Waterfront Law Team and Joe Rieger of the Elizabeth River Project discuss the legal landscape of remediating contaminated sediments, how waterways become contaminated and the cleanup methodologies. Read the full article.
September 19, 2022
The Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (“RGGI” or “Reggie”) fights global warming by managing the amount of CO2 that fossil-fueled electric powerplants release into the air. Waterfront property owners need to know that earlier this month Virginia... Read the full article.