Lake Windsor

Waterfront Law Team Partners with Lynnhaven River NOW to Clean Lake Windsor

October 20, 2020 | In The Community

On Saturday, October 10, a few members of our Waterfront Property Law Team helped our nonprofit community partner, Lynnhaven River Now, clean up Lake Windsor, located at Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach. We also worked with LRN this time last year to clean Lake Windsor. The refuse removed by our four attorneys filled four large industrial-size trash bags. Together these four large bags occupied all of the available space in the Chevrolet Tahoe used to transport us to our cleanup site at the lake. The total weight of trash removed by the Pender & Coward team was 100 pounds, consisting of food containers, glass/plastic/aluminum beverage bottles and cans, plastic bags, styrofoam packing material, 100’s of plastic tips from cigars, and even a plastic outdoor chair. LRN’s Assistant Director, Helen Kuhns, said “Lynnhaven River Now appreciates Pender & Coward for the great work it does to restore the health of the Lynnhaven River”.

All of the trash bags filled while cleaning up Lake Windsor

More About Our Nonprofit Community Partner: Lynnhaven River NOW

Lynnhaven River NOW is dedicated to cleaning the Lynnhaven River watershed in Virginia Beach. Their community outreach and cleanup events have made all the difference in improving our waterways to ensure everyone has access to pure water and space for recreational activities. We're proud to partner with a nonprofit as driven as LRN, and excited to partner with them to help clean up Virginia Beach's waterways.

If you would like to learn more about Lynnhaven River NOW and their monthly events, please visit their website.

About The Author

Jim head shot

Jim uses waterfront (riparian) property rights law, maritime & admiralty law, and environmental law to protect Virginians who live, work and play on the water. Contact Jim at (757) 502-7326 or